
The end of a diving board can oscillate with a frequency of 2.9 Hz. Assume it behaves like a simple harmonic oscillator in what follows. Before we deal with the diving board, first consider you have a mass, m, on a spring with spring constant, k, oscillating with a certain frequency, f and amplitude, A. Derive an equation for ...

a) the magnitude of the maximum speed of the oscillator in terms of the frequency, f and the amplitude of the oscillation, A.

b) the magnitude of the maximum acceleration of the oscillator in terms of the frequency, f and the amplitude of the oscillation, A.

c) Now back to the diving board. You place a pebble on the end of the oscillating diving board. What is the maximum amplitude that the board can oscillate with so that the pebble doesn’t lose contact with the board at the top of the oscillation? 

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Sixta Kovacek
Sixta KovacekLv2
3 Apr 2020

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