SOC281H1 Final: SOC281 FInal Study Guide

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14 Dec 2012

Document Summary

Compare and contrast (a) the impact of class on culture with (b) the impact of age and generation on culture. The similarities between the impact of class on culture and the impact of age and generation on culture are that they produce stratifications. Class position can be defined as the common location certain individuals hold in the economic and power structure of a given society. Social locations can be intersected with physical appearance, which is a source of ageism: in class structure, bourdieu would classify economic capital priority. However, attractiveness could be a boundary for whether you have the ability to attain such economic capital or not. Women age more quickly than men in workplaces where they deal with money, power, and public achievement. This is especially true if they work jobs that deal with the public or working for (predominantly white) male supervisors: whereas, for men, attractiveness stems from other sources.