EESA06H3 Quiz: Quiz 8 part 2

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The best known oil shale deposit in north america is in the. The distribution of kimberlite pipes in north america forms a random pattern. A resource is any geologic material that has yet to be discovered. _____________ is the initial stage in the development of coal. bituminous peat anthracite lignite sub- bituminous. A placer deposit is usually formed by the action of water. Gossans are associated with supergene deposits found on the deep ocean floor. The oil window is open at depths shallower than 2300 m. Humans are extracting non-renewable resources faster than which they are being formed. The major coal-producing region of canada is in nova. The major coal-producing region of the us is in the. The western canada sedimentary basin is canada"s largest producer of oil and gas. The most abundant ore of lead is galena. Coal bed methane extraction requires the removal of huge quanitities of freshwater.