[PUBHLTH 170] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (83 pages long)

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Document Summary

Meant to: end poverty, protect the planet, ensure prosperity for all. Ensure healthy lives for all at all ages. All major health priorities: maternal and child health, environmental diseases, universal health coverage, mental disorders. Access for all to medicine and vaccines. Affects (cid:373)ore tha(cid:374) 40% of the world"s populatio(cid:374) Over 40+ countries are experiencing water stress. The statistics: 1 in 5 people still lack electricity. Implement more clean energy: solar, thermal, wind, hydro. Greenhouse gas emissions rose 50% from 1990 level. Annual losses from natural disasters = million. Goals: mitigate climate-related disasters, address needs for developing countries. Human actions that harm oceans: carbon dioxide emissions: acidification, marine pollution (trash, plastics, oil, overfishing issues. Goals in action: address impacts on the ocean, also trying in with other issues (climate changes, industry, etc. ) The mdgs were created at the un national summit (2000) There are 8 mdgs and 15 core targets. Purpose to (cid:373)eet health (cid:374)eeds of world"s poorest cou(cid:374)tries.