[ENS 304] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 168 pages long Study Guide!

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Describe the functions of the sympathetic (sns) and parasympathetic (pns) nervous. Systems within the different physiological systems under the effects of stress. Sympathetic nervous system (sns) - fight or flight . Biological stress-response mechanism to acute physiological stress. Stress - nonspecific response to any stimulus that overcomes, or threatens to overcome the body"s ability to maintain homeostasis or allostasis. Parasympathetic nervous system (pns) - rest and digest . Describe roles of the key proprioceptors discussed in class (e. g. golgi tendon organ, Muscle spindles (ms): sensitive to change in length and rate of range of length of muscles. Lie parallel to regular muscle fibers (extrafusal fibers) within muscle belly. Concentration is proportional to the degree of movement complexity (control) needed. Contains groups of small (4-20) intrafusal muscle fibers, continuous with extrafusal fibers. Stretable middle section and ends capable of small contractions. Controlled by sensory neurons and gamma-motor neurons. Ms action can increase the force production during contraction.