CHEM 151 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Electromagnetic Spectrum, Emission Spectrum, Covalent Bond

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, frequency v, and speed of propagation v of a wave has the relationship: *v=v. If em wave is travelling through vacuum, speed of propagation has a constant value of v=c=3. 00*10^8 m/s. The figure below shows the em spectrum with visible range of spectrum zoomed in. Spectroscopy techniques all use a detector to measure the intensity of the em radiation that passes through a sample or is emitted by a substance when heated or stimulated. A typical absorption spectrometer includes a em radiation source, a device to spilt the radiation into specific wavelengths, and a detector. Information about absorbance or the fraction of em radiation of a specific wavelength that was absorbed by the substance or the fraction of that em radiation that went through the sample without being absorbed (transmittance). E=h*v where h=6. 626*10 34j, h is called planck"s constant: energy transfer during light-matter interactions only occurs in integer multiples of the elementary unit of energy: e=h*v.