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There are obvious behavioral signs of feelings sometimes, but usually poorly correlated with inner state. A blend of numerous basic states: physiological arousal. Distinct, measurable changes in the body that signal emotional states. Eg automatic changes (eg heart races, warm hands, sweaty palm) Activation of automatic nervous system, either the sympathetic nervous system (flight- or-fight response activates the body for action) or the parasympathetic nervous system (prepares the body to relax and recuperate) Folk suggests that automatic reactions are caused by emotion. Perception (danger) particular emotion (fear) automatic arousal: behavioral acts. Eg attack behavior by threatened rats, defensive burying, lever-pressing for food. Expressions of emotions were evolved traits serving specific functions. That expressions evolve from behaviors that indicate what an animal is likely to do next. That if this display is beneficial, it may evolve into a communicate role divorced from the original behavior, eg elaborate threat displays.