LAW 122 Chapter Notes - Chapter 3: Liability Insurance, Vicarious Liability, Damages

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Law 122 - chapter 3: a tort generally consists of a failure to fulfill a private obligation that was imposed by law. Torts and crimes: an obligation in tort law is owed to a person. For instance, i owe an obligation to you personally to not make defamatory statements about your past. That obligation will be broke if i falsely tell your employer that your were once convicted of murder. I will b a tortfeasor a person who has committed a tort. You will then be entitled to sue me. If you win that lawsuit, the court will hold me liable and it will probably order me to pay damages to you: a tort can be compared with a crime. Whereas a tort occurs when a person breaks a private obligation, a crime occurs if a person breaks a public obligation. A public obligation is owed to society as a whole, rather than to any particular person.