MATLS 1M03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Electron Configuration, Bond Energy, Grain Boundary

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Magnitude of force is a function of interatomic distance. The bond length corresponds to the distance at which the attractive and repulsive forces exactly balance. Minimum energy is called the bond energy. (energy that is required to completely separate two atoms) High bonding energy = high melting temperature. When one element loses electrons and the other gains electrons. The resulting ions attract and form a strong bond. Stable electron configuration is achieved by sharing/overlap of outer orbitals. Miller direction indices:: start at any cell corner, find coordinates of vector in units of a, b, c, multiply or divide all the coordinates by a common factor. To reduce all the coordinates to the smallest possible integer values: represent as [ u v w] No commas: represent negative directions as . Choose a starting point so that the plane does not pass through the origin.