HLTHAGE 1AA3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Commodification

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Final exam: health aging and society 1aa3 (pages 1-4 inclusive: introduction to health studies. Overheads 10- 20: brain tickler exercise related to jackson. Overheads 25, 30-40: jackson article key methodological approaches. Overheads 30-40: stone article excerpts from policy paradox. Overheads 27-29: kleinman articles a) health care systems as forms of. Social and symbolic reality and b) the inner structure. Of health care systems plus art duerksen profile. Overheads 41-66: women healers and patients (lecture) Overheads 67-72: davis-floyd article gender and ritual . Questions #19-24: tibandebage and mackintosh article maternal mortality in africa. Questions #28-30: armstrong and armstrong article contradictions at work: . Questions #31-34: boddy article trance and possession disorder . Ward article excerpts from a world full of women . Questions #42-45: kinsely article healing in contemporary north american. Overheads 122-124: gaisson and bouchard article other touch research on. Questions #53-55: hans-ulrich deppe article commodification versus. Overheads 127-135: sicko video, regan and brookins-fisher article financing and providing.