Pharmacology 2060A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Plasma Protein Binding, Renal Blood Flow, Subcutaneous Tissue

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Document Summary

What is pharmacology: study of the drugs, derived from greek word pharmakon meaning remedy and logos meaning study. Classification of therapeutics: drugs traditional drugs (ie. chemical agents, biologics antibodies, hormones, natural health products herbals, vitamins, minerals. Canadian drug legislation: food and drugs act and regulations health canada health canada products and food branch , therapeutic products directorate, biologics and genetic therapies directorate, natural health products directorate. Important to note that we know have three directorates. Biologics and genetic therapies evaluate and approve hormone and antibody type therapies. Natural health products approves and evaluates natural health products. What is a drug: when we think of drugs we have to think of them as chemicals that produce a pharmacological effect. The problem is that when more than one company makes the drug we get extra names. Valium has more than 20 trade names, therefore pharmacologists usually.