CHST 1000 Study Guide - Final Guide: Adverse Childhood Experiences Study, Structural Adjustment, Compulsory Education

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15 Sep 2013

Document Summary

Childhood can be governed at a global level. The global level shapes childhood at a local level. Safety, nurturance, access to nutritious foods and clean water, exploration of social and physical environment. Social resources: relationships, parenting skills, education, and cultural practice. Economic resources: disposable income, occupation, and housing condition. Secure attachment as a building block for social and physical exploration. Exploration leads to self-confidence which leads to more explorations. Factors that impact mother and child to develop secure attachments: maternal depression, low birth weight, malnutrition, infection, war, domestic violence, poverty, physical and mental disability. Mental and physical health: addiction, violence, depression, chronic illness, physical handicap, acute stress, and hiv. The role of the father in nurturing the child. Physical structure (condition of building, presence of parks) Access to services (childcare, hospitals, schools, professional services) Physical exposure (toxins, air pollutants, water quality, noise) Social capital (extent to which people help each other and are linked to one another)