KIN104 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Professional Association, Outline Of Health Sciences, Professional Boundaries

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Roles of professional association and college: professional association looks out for best interest of kinesiologists. Malpractice insurance: college looks out for best interests of the clients. Creates and enforces laws to protect patients (regulatory body) Kinesiologist performs a controlled act and harms the xpatient. Scope of practice: the practice of kinesiology is the assessment of human movement and performance and its rehabilitation and management to maintain, rehabilitate or enhance movement and performance. Broad mandate so much needs to be interpreted in terms of risk and harm. Kin is both a discipline and a profession. Kinesiologists cannot perform controlled acts: discipline then profession, discipline: study of kinesiology. Olympics: profession is the discipline put into action. Two regulating bodies of the profession: professional association, college of kinesiology. What is a hypothesis: a testable statement, bet that is true or false. Name some study designs: crossover placebo, randomized.