PO111 Study Guide - Final Guide: Millennium Development Goals, Gross Domestic Product, Post-Materialism

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These are the terms to study for sections a and b of the exam. If you understand the meaning of these terms you will be able to answer both the short answers and the essay questions. One of the basic concepts of politics is about pursuing the common good of a political community. Democracy is seen as the form of government most likely to actually pursue the common good. To put it simply, the common good is what"s best for the entire political community. The top 3 generally agreed common goods that governments must provide: law/order, general security, basic infrastructures. The costs and benefits of actions to achieve the common good are often unequally distributed. The concept of common good can be deceptive and oppress certain members of the political community. The larger the divide between the population (class, religion), the notion of common. Free rider problem is when voluntary collective action is undermined because individuals benefit without contributing.