PSYA01H3 Study Guide - Coffeemaker, Stimulus Control, Headache

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Learning: is a process by which behavior or knowledge changes as a result of experience. Associative learning: when we associate certain events with different symbols. For example associating certain holidays with speci c sights, sounds or smells. Classical conditioning: learning that occurs when a neutral stimulus elicits a response that was originally caused by another stimulus. This is also referred to as pavlovian conditioning. In pavlov"s experiment, the neutral stimulus was the sound. Neutral stimulus: a neutral stimulus is a stimulus which initially produces no speci c response other than focusing attention. In classical conditioning, when used together with an unconditioned stimulus, the neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus. Stimulus: an external event or cue that elicits a response. Examples are food, water, pain and sexual contact. Unconditioned stimulus (us): a stimulus that elicits a re exive response without learning. Unconditioned response (ur): a re exive reaction to an unconditioned stimulus.