Political Science 1020E Study Guide - Final Guide: Brian Barry, Joseph De Maistre, Cultural Conservatism

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Lectures from october 24 (ideology & ideologies) Ball and dagger everything except chapter 2. Wolff, ethics chapter 2 7 (about 3 questions per chapter) Systems of ideas with histories: anything with history is impossible to define . 4 functions of any ideology (know each of each one) explanation, evaluation, orientation, political program: triangular models of freedom. Medieval europe & the reformation martin luther & feudalism. Liberalism in england, america and france: 17th century glorious revolution, 18th century american and french revolutions, hobbes, locke, paine, jefferson and the french declaration. Adam smith: capitalism, though regulated, the role of the state, distributive justice. Social darwinism survival of the fittest . Welfare state created by bismarck a conservative to run. Germany extremely efficiently it was a means to an end. Welfare state helps to liberate population from poverty, poor health, hunger, etc: rawls vs. nozick. Nozick minimal statist/conservative (tax is unjust, slavery) Society is setup through the conglomerate knowledge of past.