ANT 3520 Study Guide - Human Leg, Hyoid Bone, Butter Knife

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Fractures arm: monteggia fracture, fracture of ulna with radius displacement, caused by fall on pronated outstretched hand with straight elbow, galeazzi fracture, fracture of the radius, caused by fall on pronated outstretched hand with bent elbow, gr-um. Falls - ankle: weber fracture, inversion or eversion of ankle, a,b,c fracture, potts fracture, bimalleolar fracture, very unstable. Falls from height: ring fracture, feet first, at base of cranium, spinal column drives up into skull. Jefferson fracture: fracture of c1, axial load fractures, spine, femur, foot. Defensive wounds: parry fracture, ulna, monteggia fracture by force to posterior ulna, defensive wounds to the hands, boxer fracture (5th metacarpal, athletic injury, clavicle, pars defect (lumbar vertebrae, associated with axial loads. Mva injuries: dicing patterns from tempered glass. Tibia fracture from bumper strike: pilon fracture, impaction from bracing on floor board in car accident. Determining order of injuries: connect terminating fractures, path of least resistance.