CAS SO 207 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Human Capital, Wiki, Social Stratification

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Notes: factors to base it on: race is a myth no biological basis for race (brazil change race don"t use the same, race is a social construction and it changes based on society"s changes, race is still very active. We are single species we do not have breeds . There is no evidence that there was ever unique pure races to begin with. Wasp culture: white anglo-saxon protestant, very responsible for creating our racial groups or ideas we have today, ethnocentrism: develops from a we feeling, racism: A doctrine: humans are divided naturally, differences are tied to culture, personality, and intelligence. Assimilation: types of assimilation, acculturation: individual acquires language, dress, food. Social stratification: definition of a minority group, differential treatment, socially defined, differential in power, categorical treatment. Arc noah, noel, sounds similar: the (robert) blauner hypothesis, colonized minority groups experience longer and more intense prejudice, racism, and discrimination than those created by immigration.