CSCD 2201 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Birth Weight, Squared Deviations From The Mean, Nuremberg Code

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Document Summary

Scientific method: a way to ask and answer specific questions by making observations and doing experiments. Study terms: hypothesis, prediction, experiment, test model, repeat experiment, analyze and publish results. Pseudoscience: popular distortions of scientific knowledge and procedures, which appear on the surface to be scientific, but lack critical scientific procedures. Evidence based practice: use of interventions that are supported by systematic empirical research providing statistically significant effectiveness of a given treatment for a specific problem: strongly encouraged by asha and insurance companies. Needed to prove to an insurance company what is needed. Many professions have histories where practice was based on loose bodies of knowledge. Also, author most show knowledge of the field. Review of literature: shares results of closely related experiments, establishes the importance of the study, methods variables. Relate the analysis to the hypothesis that is being tested: what is statistically significant. Should be broad for people other than your specific scope of practice.