SOSC 1009 Study Guide - Irreducible Complexity, Theistic Evolution, Evolutionary Developmental Biology

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Be sure that you can define (and perhaps differentiate between different terms) and use the following biological terms within each section of the course. Many of these terms will be used in several different units within the course. You should be able to differentiate between terms separated by vs. " many of these terms are found in your textbook, some only in lecture. Nature of science: pattern vs. mechanism component, prediction (including testable prediction), support, refute, observational study vs. experimental study, control, null hypothesis vs. alternative hypothesis, pseudoscience, anecdotal evidence, irreducible complexity, intelligent design, theistic evolution, theory of evolution by natural. Selection, cell theory, empirical, self-correcting, correlation, causation, assumption, infer/inferences, irreducible complexity/irreducibly complex: define and differentiate between the following pairs of terms: theory & hypothesis; evidence & proof; believe & accept; function & purpose. Microevolution (genetic variation, mutation & hwe; natural selection & adaptation; maintenance of.