Health Sciences 2300A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Nuchal Ligament, Thoracolumbar Fascia, Hyoid Bone

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Complex attachments to skin, fascia and sometimes bone. Nerve enters the iam and exist the sm foramen. Nerve 5 main branches: temporal, zygomatic, buccal, mandibular, cervical. Jaw side to side to keep food b/w teeth. Innervated by mandibular branch (3rd branch) of trigeminal nerve (cn5-3) - except buccinator. Innervated by hypoglossal nerve (cn12) - except palatoglossus. Rotates eye medially attaches to eye at oblique angle because of trochlea (small piece of tendon) Innervated by oculomotor nerve (cn2) - except lateral rectus and superior oblique. Push food down and elevates pharynx and larynx. Innervated by vagus nerve (cn10) - except stylopharyngeus. Raise larynx or depress mandible depress mandible depress mandible depress mandible depress mandible (open mouth) (open mouth) (open mouth) (open mouth) (open mouth) Small tendon that attaches to clavicle attaches to clavicle to create a pulley to create a pulley. Assortment of innervation: facial, trigenminal, hypoglassal, and cervical roots. Transverse process of cervical of cervical of cervical.