PSY 236 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Personality Psychology, Positive Psychology, Factor Analysis

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Things to know: why one big theory of personality is not desirable; each theory focuses on certain things and avoids others. Can the results of one group be taken and applied to other groups as well (men & women); broader than that. Know examples of each and strengths and weaknesses of the clinical approach. Case study; indepth examination of one person; interview, too. Con - has a low generalizability: know what the correlational approach to studying personality is. Know some examples, know the strengths and weaknesses of the correlational approach. Trying to look at association between two variables. If a goes up, b goes down (negative correlation). The closer the number is to 0, the weaker it is. Control one variable and see how it affects the other. A broad set of questions that determine hypotheses: when is deception in psychological permissible? (hint: three conditions) no harm to participant, when no other way around it, if research is important.