PSYA01H3 Lecture : Lecture 1

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Development of biology & philosophy started the field of psychology. Erosion of the difference between us and animals started psychology because we started studying ourselves. Some believe that humans are special because they possess a soul. Animism: early in history people would believe everything possesses a soul. Rock falls to ground because it wants to be with the earth. zippy (car 1) when driving zippy i may blame my speeding on the car because of the name but i do not mean it literally. However, once we understand something, the magic (aka soul) of it disappears. Descartes believed in dualism, he believed that the body and its responses are like machines, but he still believed humans possess souls and free will. He was afraid to go all the way because of the society he lived in and the church. John locke pushed the limits further and believed the mind too is a machine.