SOCA01H3 Lecture : Week 10 - Race and Ethnicity

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Marginality being a part of more than one culture (home culture and host culture) Studies indicate that people who are marginal are more creative (exposed to more traditions. Marginality music; marginal music is a creation by afro-americans; beginning with jazz and swing (1940s) then rock and roll (chuck berry) Diversity (ethnic) increased among the wealthy, government positions, professional groups. Feel more at home when living in a community dominated by their own ethnic group. Ethnic segregation is very existent (voluntary) segregating people b/c of their ethnicity is illegal unless its voluntary. Most canadians are uncomfortable with these terms. Ethnicity has been historically the basis for ranking people; referring to inequality of distribution of resources; in the past. Entrance group status (immigrants) at the bottom of the ranking purpose of immigration policy to put them at the bottom specifically eastern europeans and even the irish. Ethnic stratification: most recent ethnic immigrants are given the bottom jobs.