PSYC 102 Chapter : Quick Guide to Psychologists and Theories

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Fritz heider balance theory; maintain balance and consistency in attitudes. Weiner s model internal/ external dimension and stability dimension (unstable/temporary and. Lapiere attitudes and behavior: chinese couple and hotels. Festinger and carlsmith cognitive dissonance theory. Aronson and mills justification of effort theory (dissonance theory) Robert cialdini persuasion :four walls, low-ball, foot-in-the-door. Freddman and fraser example of ugly signs. Kurt lewin gestalt psychology: forces push you toward your goals. Latane social impact theory: impact is dependent on strength, immediacy, number, multiplication of sources and number of targets + diffusion of social impact. Langer peripheral processing of requests (photocopier study) Triplett- social faciliation and inhibition: performance is enhanced when there is an audience, competition. Zajonc presence of others: correct = performance enhancement, incorrect: impaired. Asch the line test (conformity) - change in social behvaiour to fit in. Zimbardo stanford prison study influence of power and norms. Kitty genovese bystander intervention; killed in nyc.