PSYC 3140 Lecture 9: Abnormal Psych Lecture 9

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The dsm-v may include more dimensional aspects (right now they look more at the categories) Definition of normal personality: stable and coherent view of self and others, capacity for intimacy and affiliation, function adaptively in society with (not done) Theories of personality: timothy leary: circumplex model of personality (1957) Two main axes for classifying personalties: dominance - submissive, unfriendly - friendly. Mcmi research study of depression - done by goldberg: sample of outpatients receiving cbt for major depressive disorders. Identified two groups using cluster analysis - both had depression: sociotropic personality (strong needs for approval) - mcmi dependency, autonomous personality (high need for perfection) - mcmi negativism. Clusters: odd eccentric: paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal, dramatic: borderline, histrionic, narcissistic, antisocial, and another one. Narcissistic personality disorder (lockhart: grandiose sense of self-importance (exaggerates achievement, preoccupied w/ fantasies of unlimited success, believes he is special and unique, requires excessive admiration (from collegues and students, sense of entitlement.