HSM 437 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Job Analysis, Job Enrichment, Paq

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Job enlargement (horizontal loading) involves assigning workers additional tasks at the same level of responsibility to increase the number of tasks they have to perform: reduce fatigue by expanding the job cycle. Job rotation systematically moving employees from one job to another. The best way to motivate workers is to create challenges. Job enrichment any effort that makes an employee"s job more rewarding or satisfying by adding more meaningful tasks: by increasing level of difficulty, assigning more authority and control to workers, adding new tasks. Ergonomic aspects of job design: seeks to integrate and accommodate the physical needs of workers into the design of jobs. Aims to adapt the: entire job system and to minimize negative physiological effects of all workers. Increasing job flexibility: a job is a set of well-defined and clearly stated responsibilities. Companies are dealing with challenges such as: rapid product and technological change, global competition, and political instability.