ENGL210F Lecture Notes - Persuasive Writing, Begging

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Objectives: by the end of this module, you should be able to: Describe the appeals to emotion (pathos), logic (logos) and ethos, arrange ideas to form a logical appeal, and analyze a piece of persuasive writing according to toulmin"s theory of argument. We will all need to ask for a favour, present a new idea, promote a product, or explain how to solve a problem. We will need to persuade someone of something. Persuasion is the act of persuading (or attempting to persuade); communication intended to induce belief or action (www. dictionary. com). Know your purpose and what you want the reader to do: make your request seem reasonable and beneficial, include information that will overcome resistance and make follow-up easy. Understand what motivates your reader (maslow"s hierarchy of needs): know your reader"s goals and needs. Consider the design and layout: opinions will be made on the look of your document, layout, typography, and white space should be professional and attractive.