PSYB32H3 Quiz: test bank ch5.pdf

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Student: __________________________________________________________________________: at birth, a newborn"s brain is about _____ % of its adult weight. (cid:160) D. (cid:160) 66: by the age of two, a child"s brain is about _____ % of its adult weight. (cid:160) D. (cid:160) 90: what is the covering layer of the cerebrum that contains the cells that control functions such as seeing, hearing, moving and thinking? (cid:160) D. (cid:160) myelin sheath: which region of the brain is the largest and is divided into two halves or hemispheres? (cid:160) D. (cid:160) cerebrum: smiling, babbling, crawling, walking, and talking are made possible by the rapid development of the brain, particularly the(cid:160) D. (cid:160) hippocampus: at the time of birth, it is believed that an infant"s brain has(cid:160) D. (cid:160) 75% of the neurons it will have as an adult: the brain cells that send and receive information are the(cid:160) D. (cid:160) both neurons and nerve cells: most neurons are produced(cid:160)