PSYB32H3 Chapter 10: chapter 10

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28 Apr 2011

Document Summary

Chapter 10: mood disorders: involve disabling disturbances in emotion and from the sadness of depression to the elation and ir ritability of mania. often associated with other psychological problems such as panic attacks, substance abuse, sexual dysfunction and personality disorders. depression is an emotional state marked by great sadness and feelings of worthlessness and guilt; withdrawal from others and loss of sleep, appetite, sexual desire and interest and pleasure in usual activities. patients cant concentrate and cant take in what they read or what ppl say to them. They speak slowly after long pauses using few words and a low monotonous voice. make complaints of somatic symptoms with no apparent physical basis. symptoms and signs vary somewhat across the lifespan. people tend to emphasize somatic symptoms rather than emotional ones when they are being evaluated in medical setting. psychologizers: people who emphasize the psychological aspects of depression.