LING 2P90 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Dorsal Scapular Nerve, Spinal Nerve, Serratus Anterior Muscle

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** must know as much detail as on the slide for test** *know whether it is a thoracic rib etc. Serratus anterior muscles: class 2 lever. Posterior neck and upper back: trapezius. Moves head laterally (to the side: people with voice disorders have troubles moving their neck side ways due the tense of their neck muscles, rhomboid muscles. Deep to trapezius muscle (minor and major) Dorsal scapular nerve (5th cervical spinal nerve) Braces scapulae to the thoracic wall: serratus posterior superior. 1st- 4th thoracic spinal nerves (ventral rami) Middle and lower back: lateral iliocostalis muscles. Belong to erector spinae group of deep back muscles. Extend cervical section of the vertebral column. Origins: upper edges of ribs 7-12. Functions: extend thoracic section of vertebral column, assist with trunk rotation and lateralization, stabilize the rib cage. Origins: lumbodorsal fascia, lumbar vertebrae, iliac crest. Insertion: lower edges of ribs 6 or 7-12.