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Option B Eradicate It means destroy completely, which does not suit better for...
Option C seems to be a better fit in this context.
Option C seems to be a better fit in this context.
Option C seems to be a better fit in this context.
Option C seems to be a better fit in this context.
Crisp Answer: 3/8 Explanation: Given A library has 160 books 3/8 are story boo...
Crisp Answer: b = 856.72 c = 638.01 ∠C = 46 Explanation: let AB = c BC = a = 4...
1 + 1 = 2
Pharmaceutical is a term related to medicinal drugs, their manufacturing, prep...
Given 0.28N - 0.86 (N - 4.70) = 8.02 0.28N - 0.86N + (0.86)(4.70) = 8.02 -0.58...
D strengthen strength-en
A UNDERAPPRECIATED = not valued enough
B underestimate under - estimate
B unnoticed means not able to be seen or observed
harden hard - adjective adding suffix -en makes it harden which is a verb
D Powerless means without influence or effectiveness
The name of the small gap between neurons is called a Synapse The neurotransmi...
A blameless means not guilty
Given Speed of nerve impulses = 120 m/s Distance between spinal cord and foot ...
Since the dropdown options are not provided in the post, I am giving you the c...
Answer : 6 Explanation: Multiplication is repeated addition The number which i...
Crisp Answer: simple interest rate is 4.30 % Explanation: The formula to calcu...
Crisp Answer: (a) velocity = 259 m/s (b) time = 1.5 seconds Explanation: Given...
Crisp Answer: All together, they had 72 marbles Explanation: Let number of mar...
The correct answer is (B) A plane A plane is two dimensional surface and infin...
Crisp answer: (i) If all the money was spent on the table lamps, he could have...
There are many who developed Hollow Cathode Lamp (HCL) based on different tech...
A Plane is a geometric term which is described as a two-dimensional set of poi...
Crisp answer: Willie set out with 48 flowers first time. Explanation: * Let us...
Crisp answer: Si has a total of 14 electrons and 4 valance electrons. Explanat...

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