


Sandeep YadavShri Krishna AYUSH University

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Project Management8History10Law1Management3English10Anthropology1Astronomy2Science1Electrical Engineering4Sociology1Geography1Psychology104Communications8Ethics1Algebra16Engineering44Computer Science1Accounting21Calculus22Biology40Mathematics2Statistics192Physics41Finance65Economics26Chemistry43
1.How common is asymmetric competition in nature, and what does this finding tell us about coexistence of species?

2.Consider two adaptations: one is related to a physical factor of the environment (such as low temperature) and the other is related to a biological factor of the environment (such as a predator). Why is the adaptation to the physical environment more likely to remain stable through time than the adaptation to the biological factor?

3.Compare and contrast Batesian and Müllerian mimicry.
4.Is there an intermediate concept to the organisimal (holistic) and individualistic concepts of community organization? If so, present a clear and concise statement of this concept.

5.Ecologists have developed elegant theories, coupled with mathematical models, which enable us to determine when two competitors, or a predator and prey, can coexist. Are these theories and models readily transferred to the community level? Why or why not?

6.Compare and contrast the perspective on succession and climax supported by F. E. Clements with that supported by J. T. Curtis and R. P. McIntosh.

7.What did John Klironomos learn about the effects of local evolutionary adaptation when he grew combinations of plants and fungi that came from either the same or different areas?

8.How do biomass, productivity, and their ratio (biomass:productivity) change through a successional sere?

9.Vegetation structure and primary productivity both appear to determine diversity. Which seems to be more important?

10.How might predation be related to increased diversity in more productive habitats?

11.Why does the slope, z, of the species-area relationship, S = cAz, tend to be greater among islands of different sizes than among areas of different sizes on the mainland?

12.Although plant production general increases with increasing precipitation, Edward Schuur and colleagues found that production actually declines when precipitation exceeds 3000 mm (3 m)

13. Why does assimilation efficiency vary so widely among different kinds of animals?

14.Why is ecological efficiency not the same as gross production efficiency (the latter defined as the percentage of ingested energy converted into net production)?
Addressing each question: 1. How common is asymmetric competition in nature, a...
1. Kinds of Edible Macroalgae and Their Nutritional Characteristics: Nori (Por...
Protists are a diverse group of eukaryotic microorganisms that don't fit neatl...
Answer: Bryophytes, which include mosses, liverworts, and hornworts, play sign...
The carbonate ion (��32−CO32−​) and carbonic acid (�2��3H2​CO3​) are related t...
An object falling vertically through the air is subjected to viscous resistanc...
That's a wonderful offer! Your willingness to assist others in their academic ...
To determine the central idea of an essay, including "An Essay on Man," the re...
A vapor-compression refrigeration system using Refrigerant 134a isbeing design...
Part 1: Heat Absorbed by the Refrigerant in the Evaporator (��Qc​) The heat ab...
1) Airconditioners operate on the same principle asrefrigerators.Consider an air conditioner that has 7.00 kg ofrefrigerantflowing through its circuit each cycle. The refrigerantenters theevaporator coils in phase equilibrium, with 54.0 % of itsmassas liquid and the rest as vapor. It flows through theevaporator ata constant pressure and when it reaches the compressor95 % ofits mass is vapor. In each cycle, how much heatQc isabsorbed by the refrigerant while it is in theevaporator? The heatvaporization of the refrigerantis1.50×105 J/kg.

Express your answer numericallyinjoules.
2) In eachcycle,the change in internal energy of the refrigerant when itleaves thecompresser is 1.20×105 J. What is the workWdone by the motor of the compressor?

Express your answer injoule

3) If the direction of the refrigerant flow is inverted in anairconditioner, the air conditioning unit turns into a heat pumpand itcan be used for heating rather than cooling. In this case,the coilswhere the refrigerant would condense in the airconditioner becomethe evaporator coils when the unit is operatedas a heat pump, and,vice versa, the evaporator coils of the airconditioner become thecondenser coils in the heat pump. Supposeyou operate the airconditioner described in Parts A and B as aheat pump to heat yourbedroom. In each cycle,what is the amount of heat Qhreleased into theroom? You may assume that the energy changes andwork doneduring the expansion process are negligible compared tothose forother processes during the cycle.
Part 1: Heat Absorbed by the Refrigerant in the Evaporator (Qc) The heat absor...

Air conditioners operate on the same principle as refrigerators. Consider an air conditioner that has 7.00 of refrigerant flowing through its circuit each cycle. The refrigerant enters the evaporator coils in phase equilibrium, with54.0 of its mass as liquid and the rest as vapor. It flows through the evaporator at a constant pressure and when it reaches the compressor 95 of its mass is vapor. In each cycle, how much heat is absorbed by the refrigerant while it is in the evaporator? The heat of vaporization of the refrigerant is 1.50×105 .Express your answer numerically in joules. =5.15×105 Correct Part BIn each cycle, the change in internal energy of the refrigerant when it leaves the compresser is 1.20×105 . What is the work done by the motor of the compressor?Express your answer in joules. =1.20×105 Correct Part CIf the direction of the refrigerant flow is inverted in an air conditioner, the air conditioning unit turns into a heat pump and it can be used for heating rather than cooling. In this case, the coils where the refrigerant would condense in the air conditioner become the evaporator coils when the unit is operated as a heat pump, and, vice versa, the evaporator coils of the air conditioner become the condenser coils in the heat pump. Suppose you operate the air conditioner described in Parts A and B as a heat pump to heat your bedroom. In each cycle, what is the amount of heat released into the room? You may assume that the energy changes and work done during the expansion process are negligible compared to those for other processes during the cycle.Express your answer numerically in joules. =

Part A: Heat Absorbed by the Refrigerant in the Evaporator The heat absorbed i...
(a) Diagram of the Refrigeration Cycle: Let's describe the states and componen...

The typical operation cycle of a common refrigerator is shownschematically in the figure . Both the condenser coils to the leftand the evaporator coils to the right contain a fluid (the workingsubstance) called refrigerant, which is typically in vapor-liquidphase equilibrium. The compressor takes in low-pressure,low-temperature vapor and compresses it adiabatically tohigh-pressure, high-temperature vapor, which then reaches thecondenser. Here the refrigerant is at a higher temperature thanthat of the air surrounding the condenser coils and it releasesheat by undergoing a phase change. The refrigerant leaves thecondenser coils as a high-pressure, high-temperature liquid andexpands adiabatically at a controlled rate in the expansion valve.As the fluid expands, it cools down. Thus, when it enters theevaporator coils, the refrigerant is at a lower temperature thanits surroundings and it absorbs heat. The air surrounding theevaporator cools down and most of the refrigerant in the evaporatorcoils vaporizes. It then reaches the compressor as a low-pressure,low-temperature vapor and a new cycle begins.
Part a)
Air conditioners operate on the same principle as refrigerators.Consider an air conditioner that has 7.00 kg of refrigerant flowingthrough its circuit each cycle. The refrigerant enters theevaporator coils in phase equilibrium, with 54.0 \% of its mass asliquid and the rest as vapor. It flows through the evaporator at aconstant pressure and when it reaches the compressor 95\% of itsmass is vapor. In each cycle, how much heat Q_c is absorbed by therefrigerant while it is in the evaporator? The heat of vaporizationof the refrigerant is 1.50×105 J/kg.

part B) In each cycle, the change in internal energy of therefrigerant when it leaves the compresser is 1.20×105 J. What isthe work W done by the motor of the compressor?

Part a) Heat absorbed in the evaporator (Q_c): The heat absorbed in the evapor...
Saturation Temperature and Mass Flow Rate for 500W: To determine the saturatio...
To solve this problem, we can use the conservation of linear momentum. Accordi...
In this problem, we can use the principle of conservation of linear momentum t...
In an inelastic collision, the conservation of linear momentum can be used to ...
One object is at rest, and another is moving. The two collide inaone-dimension...
In a completely inelastic collision, the two objects stick together after the ...
In a completely inelastic collision, two objects stick together after the coll...
In a completely inelastic collision, the two objects stick together after the ...
In a completely inelastic collision, the two objects stick together after the ...
When two objects collide and stick together, the principle of conservation of ...
In an inelastic collision where two objects stick together, the conservation o...
In an inelastic collision where two objects stick together, the conservation o...
In an elastic collision, both momentum and kinetic energy are conserved. Let's...
To solve these problems, we can use the principles of conservation of momentum...
To determine the sum of the system's initial momenta relative to the system's ...
Let's solve the problem using the principles of conservation of momentum and c...
Let's start by using the principles of conservation of momentum and conservati...
Certainly! Momentum is a fundamental concept in physics that describes the mot...
Realist writers, who emerged in the 19th century, focused on depicting life as...
Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, formulated by the German physicist Werner ...
Let's solve each inequality and perform the evaluations: 4�2−5�−6≤04x2−5x−6≤0 ...
Let's solve each nonlinear inequality and express the solution using interval ...
Let's solve each polynomial inequality and express the solution set in interva...
To graph the solution set for the inequality �2−2�+1>0x2−2x+1>0, we can ...
To solve the inequality 3�+7<163y+7<16, follow these steps: Subtract 7 f...
Let's start by calculating the Earnings Per Share (EPS) for each capital struc...

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