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Architecture52Project Management39History1870Law3Management142Music140English669Philosophy81Anthropology162Astronomy141Business20Marketing200Science81Electrical Engineering92Prealgebra1Sociology31Geography164Nursing6Psychology158Communications5Ethics2Information Technology2922Algebra29Precalculus2Engineering10Probability1Computer Science289Accounting857Calculus7Biology3411Mathematics119Statistics148Physics289Finance206Economics3128Chemistry290

1 The average amino acid length of proteins in Escherichia coli is 235. Therefore, according to the video, the elongation time for an average E. coli protein would be about _______seconds.

2 How is the small ribosomal unit positioned to allow for translation to start at the proper start codon?Choose one:

A. Shine-Dalgarno sequence

B. The start codon sequence is specifically attracted to the P site.

C. Initiation factors position the mRNA accordingly.

D. The small ribosomal subunit starts at the far 5' end of mRNA where the start codon is located.

3 ABC transporters can be efflux transporters that move molecules such as proteases, lipases, and _______out of the cell.

4 Which of the following directly describes where the name ABC transporters comes from? (It is another name for what the acronym "ABC" means.)

Choose one:

A. They act as influx channels.

B. They have membrane-spanning regions.

C. They act as efflux proteins.

D. They have nucleotide binding domains.

5 Why is ATP hydrolysis required for these transporters to operate properly?

Choose one:

A. because it causes a rotation of the channel to spin the molecule through to the other side of the membrane

B. because it causes a plunger effect to push the molecule through the channel

C. because it causes a conformational change to open the channel to the other side

D. because it causes a hydrophobic change to propel the molecule through the channel

6 Which of the following first interacts with the signal sequence on proteins that are inserted into the membrane?

Choose one:

A. SecA


C. LepB

D. SecYEG translocon

E. FtsY

7 Which of the following functions are associated with SRP?

Choose one or more:

A. targeting proteins for degradation

B. bringing ribosome to FtsY

C. acting as a chaperone

D. bringing ribosome to SecYEG translocon

E. stalling translation until ribosome brought to destination

F. recognizing signal sequence

8 Which of the following characteristics is associated with both the N-terminal signal sequences and the transmembrane-spanning regions of inner membrane proteins?

Choose one:

A. form β

sheet secondary structure

B. 15 amino acids in length

C. hydrophobic amino acids

D. begin with a methionine

Answer: B
Answer: A
Answer: A
Answer: Iii
Answer: B
Answer: B
Answer: A
Answer: A

1. Which of the following plants have small, independentgametophytes?






2. Which plant is used to make a heart medication?

a. Periwinkle

b. Pacific Yew

c. Wild mint

d. Curare tree

e. Foxglove

3.Which part of plant contains the reproductive structures?






4. The bodies of fungus are made of filamentscalled_________.





5. A symbiotic relationship between a green alga and fungus isa____________.

a. bryophyte

b. moss

c. liverwort

d. lichen

e. hornworts

6. Ringworm is an infection caused by a ___________.

a. bacterium

b. round worm parasite

c. algae

d. fungus

e. protest

7. The green outer layer of the flower that “wraps” the colorfulpetals are the___________.

a. sepals

b. carpels

c. stamens

d. style

e. stigma

8. Which of the following are adaptations of gymnosperms? MARKALL THAT APPLY

a. flowers

b. reduction of the sporophyte

c. seeds

d. pollen

e. fruit

9. Which structure forms the fruit?

a. ovule

b. style

c. stigma

d. ovary

e. endosperm

10. Which structures releases pollen?

a. carpel

b. style

c. stigma

d. anther

e. sepal

11. Spruce and Junipers are_____________.

a. angiosperms

b. bryophytes

c. charophytes

d. gymnosperms

12. Which modern day algae and plants likely share a commonancestor?

a. red algae

b. charophytes

c. diatoms

d. kelp

e. dinoflagellates

13. What are mycorrhizae?

a. parasitic fungus on plant roots

b. bacteria that infect plant roots

c. symbiotic association of fungus and roots

d. symbiotic bacteria associated with plant roots

e. symbiotic association of fungus and plant shoots

14. Mosses, hornworts, and liverworts are_________.

a. charophytes

b. gymnosperms

c. angiosperms

d. bryophytes

e. chlorophytes

15. Mosses have____________. MARK ALL THAT APPLY.

a. lignified cell walls

b. true roots and leaves

c. a waxy cuticle

d. a developing embryo that is retained on the female plant

e. seeds and flowers

16. Ferns have__________. MARK ALL THAT APPLY.

a. seeds

b. pollen

c. vascular tissue

d. flowers

e. sperm that swims to the egg

17. A pollen grain is____________.

a. a much reduced female sporophyte

b. a much reduced male sporophyte

c. a much reduced female gametophyte

d. a much reduced male gametophyte

18. The coal that is used in model times originated from organicmaterial during the Carboniferous period. Many of plants that wereturned into coal were___________.

a. angiosperms

b. conifers

c. seedless plants including ferns

d. gymnosperms

19. Much of the lumber and paper we use is suppliedby____________.

a. monocots

b. dicots

c. angiosperms

d. gymnosperms

20. What is the function of fruit? MARK ALL THAT APPLY

a. produce pollen

b. attract pollinators

c. disperse seeds

d. protect seeds

21. When do fungi share a common ancestor with animals?

a. never they are closely related to plants

b. 460 million years ago

c. 1.5 billion years ago

d. 4.6 billion years ago

22. How do fungus get nutrients/food?

a. photosynthesis

b. ingestion

c. digestion outside the body and absorption

d. converting inorganic nitrogen into proteins

23. How many fungi are parasitic to humans and otheranimals?

a. 100,000

b. about 30% of all species

c. 500

d. slightly more than are parasitic to plants

24. Which of the following are TRUE? MARK ALL THAT APPLY

a. some fungi can be very large (more than 3 miles in diameter)

b. most fungi are multicellular

c. yeasts are unicellular

d. some fungi can live for thousands of years

e. mushrooms are the main body or feeding structure of thefungus

25. What are fungi important? MARK THREE THAT APPLY

a. they are decomposers that break can organic material

b. some species can be used as food

c. can be commercially used to make bread and alcoholicbeverages

d. can make antibiotics to fight viruses such as the commoncold

Answer: 2
Answer: B
Answer: B
Answer: 2
Answer: B
Answer: C
Answer: C
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Answer: C
Answer: 3
Answer: B
Answer: B
Answer: C
Answer: A
Answer: C

4) The haploid gametophytes of bryophytes are ________.

A) multicellular, just like the haploid stages of animal species

B) multicellular and produce zygotes

C) usually composed of single cells, just like the gametes of mammals

D) usually multicellular, but one cell thick

5) If bryophytes do not have vascular tissue, how can some mosses reach 60 centimeters tall?

A) The term nonvascular plant is actually a misnomer.

B) These tall mosses are more closely related to seed plants than to other mosses.

C) Some mosses independently evolved conducting tissues.

D) The rhizoids contain the conducting tissues.

6) If you were asked to design a bryophyte that could be successful in a bare, moist area, which of the following possible adaptations would you include?

A) a symbiosis with phosphorus-absorbing mycorrhizae fungi

B) a symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria

C) a symbiosis with iron-absorbing algae

D) a symbiosis with toxin-producing dinoflagellates

7) Moss sporophytes are typically green when young, but turn brown when ready to release their spores. This observation would lead you to think that the ________.

A) sporophyte photosynthesizes when young and contributes energy for spore production

B) sporophyte photosynthesizes at all ages—it just uses different wavelengths for photosynthesis at different ages

C) gametophyte cannot photosynthesize

D) cuticle rubs off of older sporophytes and exposes the color that is underneath

8) Assuming equal spore production rates, what is the likely consequence in a bryophyte with both asexual and sexual reproduction versus one with only sexual reproduction?

A) Species with both types of reproduction have higher rates of genetic diversity than species with only sexual reproduction.

B) Species with both types of reproduction have higher population growth rates than species with only sexual reproduction.

C) Species with both types of reproduction are less evolutionarily advanced than species with only sexual reproduction.

D) Species with both types of reproduction occur primarily in dry environments.

25) Compared to nonvascular plants, the ancient relatives of vascular plants ________.

A) produced sporophyte generations independent of, not dependent on, gametophyte generations

B) produced much smaller sporophyte generations

C) produced sporophyte generations that provided more nutrition to gametophyte generations

D) probably experienced less competition for light

26) If you walk through an area with mosses and ferns, you are seeing ________.

A) both sporophyte and gametophyte generations

B) only vascular plants

C) both nonvascular and seed-bearing plants

D) both seedless and seed-bearing plants

Answer: B
Answer: D
Answer: B
Answer: A

Answer: D
Answer: C
Answer: B

(Structures in Land Plants that evolved to deal with it on dry land)

1. Multicelluar algae floated and drifted freely in the water

a. Cuticle

b. pollen and seeds

c. Lignin

2. Alage cells absored nutrients directlly from water

a.Vascular Tissue

b. Pollen and seeds

c. Cutcle

3. Both single-celled and multicellur algae released free-floating gametes into water

a. Lignin and cuticle

b. Pollen and seeds

c. Xylem abd phloem

4. Alage Cells were immersed in water, which prevents dehydration

a. Phloem

b. Cuticle

c. Pollen and seeds

5. Bryophytes are usually found in areas that are very wet or damp at least part of the year. Which of the following statements describes characteristics of bryophytes that make them dependent on water? Which all apply?

a. They have swimming sperm that need water so they can swim to fertilize the eggs of other nearby plants.

b. They have dominant gametophyte phase.

c. Some species are able to reproduce asexually through fragmentation.

6. Which part of a bryophyte plant produces spores?

a. Sporophyte

b. Gametophyte

7. The seedless vasuclar seeds plants not only include well-known plants such as ferns but also groups of plants called horsetails and club mosses. These plants originally arose after the bryophytes. Which of the following statements describes why seedless vascular plants are better adapted t dry land than the bryophytes?

a. Seedless vasuclar plants have larger leaves, or fronds, that are more effective in absorbing nutrients from the enviroment.

b. Seedless vascular plants have spores that can distribute on the wind.

c. Seedless vascular plants have vascular tissue and roots to effectively absorb and distribute water and nutrients throughout the plant.

8. However, seedless vasuclar plants are still heavily dependent on water for reasons other than keeping hydrated. Which of the following statements correctly explains how seedless vascular plants are still dependent on water?

a. Seedless vascular plants, require water, instead of wind, to spread their spores.

b. Seedless vascular plants still have swimming sperm that need water to reach the eggs for fertilization.

c. Seedless vascular plants require water to germinate the spore to grow into a rhizome

9. In seedless vascular plants, the sporophyte grows from the

a. sori on the underside of the gametophyte

b. zygote contained on the gametophyte

c. spores once they take root in the soil

10. Most species of horsetails and club mosses died off by the end of which period?

a. Tertiary

b. Permian

c. Jurassic

11. Which of these is an advantage that seeds have over spores?

a. Seeds can be spread on the wind or by animals, while spores have to swim through water

b. Seeds require less energy for the plant to produce than do spores

c. Seeds contain a store nutrients to nourish the plant embryo until it is able to grow

12. Gymnosperms were also the first plants to develop pollen. Which of the following statements correctly describes one of the advantages of pollen?

a. The development of pollen means that gymnosperms no longer require sporophytes for reproduction

b. Pollen is created by the sperm of the plant

c. Pollen can spread on the wind to pollinate plants in distant locations.

13. In gymnosperms, where are the male gametophytes located?"

a. The gametophyte stage no longer exists in gymnosperms

b. They are the pollen grains

c. In the flowers.

14. Angiosperms are the most diverse group of plants in existence today. Which of the following plants structures do angiosperms possess that are not found in any earlier lineage of plant?

a. Pollen


c. Seeds

15. Most angiosperms incorporate the assistance of animals in their reproductive cycle. This is a majro advancement that gave them an advantage over other plant lineages and helped them become the dominant type of plant on Earth today. Which of the following steps in the reproduction of angiosperms do animals assist with? Which all apply?

a. Meiosis

b. Pollination

c. Seed dispersal.

16. In angiosperms, which structure represents the male reproductive organs of the plant?

a. Stamen

b. Sepal

c. Carpel

Answer: B
Answer: C
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Answer: D
Answer: D
Answer: C


Which of the following is NOT a major difference between "Bryophytes" and ALL other land plant phyla?

absence vs. presence of differentiated body plan (true roots, stems and leaves)

absence vs. presence of xylem and phloem

seedless vs. seed condition

absence vs. presence of lignin

ploidy of the conspicuous life stage

0.5 points


Which of the following is NOT true of apical meristems?

in vascular plants they are localized at the tips of shoots and roots

they are regions of active mitotic division

they are synapomorphic for land plants

all of the answers are true of apical meristems

they differentiate into the various tissues of the plant body

0.5 points


Which of these plant characteristics is an adaptation that prevents water loss?

secondary compounds

cellulose-reinforced cell walls

root hairs


vascular tissue

0.5 points


Plant spores germinate to become






0.5 points


Which of the following statements about the life cycle of mosses is FALSE ?

Gametophytes produce eggs and sperm by meiosis.

Haploid spores are the major means of dispersal.

Moss sperm are flagellated and need water to reach the egg.

Antheridia and archegonia are found within the gametophyte body.

Photosynthetic gametophytes grow from protonema.

0.5 points


Charophytes and Plants share this synapomorphy (shared derived characteristic):

all of the answer choices represent synaptomorphies with Charophytes and Plants.

cellulose in cell walls


haploid and diploid multicellular forms

live on land

0.5 points


Bryophytes are anchored to the ground by rhizoids which

absorb and distribute water and dissolved minerals to the gametophyte

are homologous to the holdfasts of seaweeds

are analogous to the roots of vascular plants

are specialized sporophyte cell

are homologous to the roots of vascular plants

0.5 points


Which of the following is TRUE of organisms characterized by alternation of generations?

the sporophyte is haploid and produces gametes spores by meiosis

the sporophyte is haploid and produces haploid spores by meiosis

the gametophyte is diploid and produces haploid gametes by meiosis

the sporophyte is diploid and produces haploid spores by mitosis

the gametophyte is haploid and produces haploid gametes by mitosis

0.5 points


Which, if any, of the following characters is NOT a synapomorphy (shared derived character state) of terrestrial plants?

multicellular gametangia

vascular tissue

apical meristem

all the answers represent synapomorphies of land plants

walled spores

0.5 points


A homosporous plant

cannot have a conspicuous gametophyte generation

produces gametophytes which develop both antheridia and archegonia

is likely to be adapted to (occur in) an arid environment

may have sporophytes with both microsporangia and megasporangia

cannot have sporophylls

Answer: 1

6. All plants produce __________ by mitosis and __________ by meiosis. A)spores, gametes B)gametes, gametes C)gametes, spores D)spores, spores E)spores, gametes and spores 7. In a heterosporous life cycle, the microspore develops into the _____ gametophyte, while the megaspore develops into the ______ gametophyte. A)female, male B)male, female C)diploid, haploid D)haploid, diploid E)None of the above 8. Asexual reproduction in liverworts is accomplished by A)gametophytes. B)spores. C)gemmae. D)tracheids. 9. You are walking along a roadside and find a plant with the following characteristics: very thin waxy cuticle, stomata, simple leaves in whorls around a central stem, independent sporophyte and gametophyte, sporangia in strobili. This plant is most likely a member of which of the following phyla? A)Bryophyta B)Sphenophyta C)Pterophyta D)Lycophyta 10. Plants differ from algae in that only plants A)are photosynthetic. B)are multicellular. C)possess chlorophyll. D)have multicellular embryos protected by the parent. E)are eukaryotic. 11. Which statement about the alternation of generations in plants is not true? A) The plant life cycle is characterized by diploid and haploid forms. B)Meiosis occurs in sporangia. C)Gametes are always produced by meiosis. D)The zygote is the first cell of the sporophyte generation. E)The gametophyte and sporophyte differ genetically. 12. The most abundant gymnosperm phylum today is A) Cycadophyta. B) Ginkgophyta. C) Gnetophyta. D) Coniferophyta. E) None of the above 13. Coniferous gymnosperms, such as pines, depend primarily on __________ for pollination; thus, the plants produce large quantities of pollen that disperse over large areas during the spring. A) insects B) birds C) water D) wind E) mammals 14. An evolutionary trend that runs throughout the plant kingdom is that the sporophyte generation ___ and is more independent of the gametophyte, and the gametophyte generation _____ and is more dependent upon the sporophyte. A) becomes smaller, becomes smaller B) becomes larger, becomes smaller C) becomes smaller, becomes larger D) becomes larger, becomes larger E) does not change in size, becomes larger 15. Angiosperms differ from other plants in that two male gametes, contained within a single male gametophyte, participate in fertilization events. One sperm nucleus combines with the egg to produce a diploid zygote. The other sperm nucleus combines with two other haploid nuclei of the female gametophyte. This process is called A) biparental inheritance. B) multiple paternity. C) double fertilization. D) biparental fertilization. E) multiple fertilization. 16. The reproductive organ of angiosperms is the A)sporangium. B) flower. C) cone. D) archegonium. E) sporophyte. 17. The prominent components of Earth's modern land flora in most areas are A) angiosperms. B) gymnosperms. C) ferns. D) bryophytes. E) club mosses. 18. Flowers with insect pollination have showy A) petals. B) sepals. C) anthers. D) fruits 19. In angiosperms, pollen is transferred from the __________ to the __________. A) anther, style B) filament,ovary C) anther, stigma D) filament, ovary E) anther, ovule 20. The following events in the angiosperm life cycle occur in which order? I. A diploid zygote develops into an embryo that is packaged along with food into a seed. II. A pollen grain reaches the appropriate surface of a sporophyte. III. Double fertilization occurs. IV. A slender pollen tube is produced that elongates and digests its way through the sporophytic tissue toward the female gametophyte. A) I, II, III, IV B) II, IV, III, I C) II, I, IV, III D) IV, III, I, II E) III, I, IV, II . 21. Which of the following functions make seeds useful to plants? A) Seeds provide a mechanism for dispersal. B) Seeds protect the embryo. C) An embryo may remain dormant until optimum growth conditions are available. D) All of the above 22. Many angiosperms and animals have coevolved. What roles do animals play in the life cycle of plants? A) They act as pollinators. B) They assist in dispersal of seeds. C) They insure fertilization. D) All of the above 23. What is the significance of the fruit? A) It aids in dispersion of seeds. B) It protects seeds until they are mature. C) It attracts pollinators. D) a and b 24. Vascular tissue in angiosperms is highly developed. The purpose of this vascular tissue is to move A) water. B) food. C) nutrients. D) All of the above MATCHING A) chitin B) conidiospores C) heterotroph D) mycelium E) mycorrhiza 25. Body of a fungus 26. Produced during asexual reproduction in Ascomycetes 27. Nutritional mode of fungi 28. Envelopes plant roots 29. Component of fungi cell walls Matching A) Basidomycetes B) Deuteromycetes C) Green algae D) Penicillium E) Zygomycetes 30. No known sexual stage 31. Grown in culture to produce antibiotics 32. An example is Rhizopus stolonifer 33. Symbiont of a lichen 34. Club Fungi 35. In the sexual life cycles of fungi, ____________ usually occurs shortly after ____________. A) plasmogamy; karyogamy B) spore production; formation of a dikaryotic mycelium C) karyogamy; meiosis D) meiosis; fusion of haploid nuclei

Answer: B

1. It is widely agreed that the plant kingdom arose from A)Eumycota. B)Chrysophyta. C)Phaeophyta. D)Rhodophyta. E)Chlorophyta.

2. A universal feature of the life cycle of plants is A)morphologically identical haploid and diploid stages. B)genetically identical haploid and diploid stages. C)alteration of generations between heteromorphic haploid gametophytes and diploid sporophytes. D)All of the above E)None of the above

3. Several evolutionary adaptations to land are shared by all plants. These shared adaptations do not include A)waxy protective coverings. B)support against gravity. C)means of taking up water from the soil. D)protective structures for the new sporophyte. E)water transport by xylem.

4. Ferns are in which phylum? A) Lycophyta B) Anthocerophyta C) Hepatophyta D) Pterophyta E) Bryophyta

5. The bryophytes are dependent on water for reproduction because A) sperm are passively transported to eggs by water. B) gametogenesis only occurs when the plants are moist. C) eggs and sperm are released into water and then unite. D) sperm must swim through water to reach and fertilize eggs. E) None of the above

6. All plants produce __________ by mitosis and __________ by meiosis. A)spores, gametes B)gametes, gametes C)gametes, spores D)spores, spores E)spores, gametes and spores

7. In a heterosporous life cycle, the microspore develops into the _____ gametophyte, while the megaspore develops into the ______ gametophyte. A)female, male B)male, female C)diploid, haploid D)haploid, diploid E)None of the above

8. Asexual reproduction in liverworts is accomplished by A)gametophytes. B)spores. C)gemmae. D)tracheids.

9. You are walking along a roadside and find a plant with the following characteristics: very thin waxy cuticle, stomata, simple leaves in whorls around a central stem, independent sporophyte and gametophyte, sporangia in strobili. This plant is most likely a member of which of the following phyla? A)Bryophyta B)Sphenophyta C)Pterophyta D)Lycophyta

10. Plants differ from algae in that only plants A)are photosynthetic. B)are multicellular. C)possess chlorophyll. D)have multicellular embryos protected by the parent. E)are eukaryotic.

11. Which statement about the alternation of generations in plants is not true? A) The plant life cycle is characterized by diploid and haploid forms. B)Meiosis occurs in sporangia. C)Gametes are always produced by meiosis. D)The zygote is the first cell of the sporophyte generation. E)The gametophyte and sporophyte differ genetically.

12. The most abundant gymnosperm phylum today is A) Cycadophyta. B) Ginkgophyta. C) Gnetophyta. D) Coniferophyta. E) None of the above

13. Coniferous gymnosperms, such as pines, depend primarily on __________ for pollination; thus, the plants produce large quantities of pollen that disperse over large areas during the spring. A) insects B) birds C) water D) wind E) mammals

14. An evolutionary trend that runs throughout the plant kingdom is that the sporophyte generation ___ and is more independent of the gametophyte, and the gametophyte generation _____ and is more dependent upon the sporophyte. A) becomes smaller, becomes smaller B) becomes larger, becomes smaller C) becomes smaller, becomes larger D) becomes larger, becomes larger E) does not change in size, becomes larger

15. Angiosperms differ from other plants in that two male gametes, contained within a single male gametophyte, participate in fertilization events. One sperm nucleus combines with the egg to produce a diploid zygote. The other sperm nucleus combines with two other haploid nuclei of the female gametophyte. This process is called A) biparental inheritance. B) multiple paternity. C) double fertilization. D) biparental fertilization. E) multiple fertilization.

16. The reproductive organ of angiosperms is the A)sporangium. B) flower. C) cone. D) archegonium. E) sporophyte.

17. The prominent components of Earth's modern land flora in most areas are A) angiosperms. B) gymnosperms. C) ferns. D) bryophytes. E) club mosses.

18. Flowers with insect pollination have showy A) petals. B) sepals. C) anthers. D) fruits

19. In angiosperms, pollen is transferred from the __________ to the __________. A) anther, style B) filament,ovary C) anther, stigma D) filament, ovary E) anther, ovule

20. The following events in the angiosperm life cycle occur in which order? I. A diploid zygote develops into an embryo that is packaged along with food into a seed. II. A pollen grain reaches the appropriate surface of a sporophyte. III. Double fertilization occurs. IV. A slender pollen tube is produced that elongates and digests its way through the sporophytic tissue toward the female gametophyte. A) I, II, III, IV B) II, IV, III, I C) II, I, IV, III D) IV, III, I, II E) III, I, IV, II .

21. Which of the following functions make seeds useful to plants? A) Seeds provide a mechanism for dispersal. B) Seeds protect the embryo. C) An embryo may remain dormant until optimum growth conditions are available. D) All of the above

22. Many angiosperms and animals have coevolved. What roles do animals play in the life cycle of plants? A) They act as pollinators. B) They assist in dispersal of seeds. C) They insure fertilization. D) All of the above

23. What is the significance of the fruit? A) It aids in dispersion of seeds. B) It protects seeds until they are mature. C) It attracts pollinators. D) a and b

24. Vascular tissue in angiosperms is highly developed. The purpose of this vascular tissue is to move A) water. B) food. C) nutrients. D) All of the above


A) chitin B) conidiospores C) heterotroph D) mycelium E) mycorrhiza

25. Body of a fungus

26. Produced during asexual reproduction in Ascomycetes

27. Nutritional mode of fungi

28. Envelopes plant roots

29. Component of fungi cell walls


A) Basidomycetes B) Deuteromycetes C) Green algae D) Penicillium E) Zygomycetes

30. No known sexual stage

31. Grown in culture to produce antibiotics

32. An example is Rhizopus stolonifer

33. Symbiont of a lichen

34. Club Fungi

35. In the sexual life cycles of fungi, ____________ usually occurs shortly after ____________. A) plasmogamy; karyogamy B) spore production; formation of a dikaryotic mycelium C) karyogamy; meiosis D) meiosis; fusion of haploid nuclei

Answer: C

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Answer: B
Answer: B
Answer: C

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