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Answer:I'm happy to help with your questions. Let's address each of them:Chauc...

Press the link above and read the editorial fully and answer the questions provided below, and four sentences to get the full marks


ļ»æļ»æļ»æidentify the main idea of the editorial (thesis statement)

ļ»æļ»æWho do you think is the most likely audience for this editorial? Bees very specific with your response (consider age, background, income, and

SO on)

ļ»æļ»æļ»æExplain why you think this audience is impacted by the topic discussed in the editorial.

ļ»æļ»æļ»æWhat kind of "hook" does the speaker used to capture the audiences attention?

ļ»æļ»æļ»æexplain how the "hook" effectively leads a reader into the editorial.

ļ»æļ»æļ»ægive one example of how the author uses logic to build argument explain how it supports his the-SIS.

ļ»æļ»æļ»æGive one example of how the author uses an emotional appeal to build the argument. What emotion is addressed? explain how it supports his thesis.

8 does the author seem credible? Explain your answer

ļ»æļ»æļ»æHow does the author conclude the article? How does the conclusion unify the editorial? (look at how it connect with the introduction.)

ļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»ælook at the "A national Disgrace" chart on the second page.

ļ»æļ»æļ»æwhat does the chart attempt to show?

ļ»æļ»æļ»æchoose one indicator, and explain what it says about the fate of Canadas aboriginal population

ļ»æļ»æļ»æwhat is vour reaction to the information provided in the chart? Write five or more sentences explain your reaction.

Answer:I apologize for the inconvenience, but I cannot access or read external...
Answer:Eric is one of the main characters in the novel "Lightfinder" by Aaron ...
Answer: Be successful
Answer:Ben's experience of retirement is initially marked by a sense of emptin...

Below are five questions on Hamlet. Answer Question 1, Question 2, and Question 3 with responses of at least one paragraph. Then answer either Question 4 orQuestion 5 in a literary essay of at least five paragraphs. Remember to incorporate textual evidence in all of your responses. You may refer to your copy of Hamlet and your notes as you write.

Answer Questions 1, 2, and 3.

Total score: ____ of 100 points

(Score for Question 1: ___ of 15 points)

1.Explain both the literal and symbolic meaning and importance of pouring poison in a personā€™s ear in Hamlet.


Type your answer here.

(Score for Question 2: ___ of 15 points)

2.What purpose do the soliloquies that Hamlet delivers over the course of the play serve? What do readers and audience members learn about Hamlet from what he says in these speeches?


Type your answer here.

(Score for Question 3: ___ of 15 points)

3.In drama, a characterā€™s tragic flaw is the character trait that leads directly to his or her downfall in the work. Many critics and scholars argue that Hamletā€™s tragic flaw is his tendency toward inactionā€”his inability to act. Do you agree? Why or why not? Cite specific examples from the text to support your response.


Type your answer here.

(Score for Question 4: ___ of 55 points)

4.As you know, Laertes and Fortinbras are two characters in Shakespeareā€™s play that serve as foils for Hamlet. How does each figure expose or highlight certain traits in Hamletā€™s character, and how does each characterā€™s behavior in the play relate to the themes of advice and duty, action versus inaction, and sanity versus madness?


Type your answer here.

Score for Question 5: ___ of 55 points)

5.Why is the idea of playing a role or acting a part so important to Hamlet over the course of the play? How does role-playing affect several major events in the plot and the relationships between various characters?


Type your answer here.

Answer:I'll provide responses to Questions 1, 2, and 4.Question 1:In Hamlet, t...
Answer:Summer sleep-away camps for children have long been a subject of debate...

Respond to the following in the form of a short essay. Your essay should consist of at least five paragraphs.

Charles Dickensā€™s Hard Times is a novel divided into three books. These books are titled ā€œSowing,ā€ ā€œReaping,ā€ and ā€œGarnering.ā€ Explain how each bookā€™s title relates to the events, characters, and themes that Dickens addresses in it, and analyze how the novelā€™s three sections convey Dickensā€™s central message about rationality and logic in mid-nineteenth-century England.

Cite specific examples from the novel in your response. Use the notes you take in the Reading Guide and the questions you answer in both the Reading Guide and the Student Guide to help you formulate your response.

You will hand in your completed response on the final day of this unit.


You should always use a process for your writing that includes planning and drafting. To complete this assignment, you will do the following:

ā€¢ Review the assignment instructions and grading criteria thoroughly. The writing assignment you complete in this unit will be graded against a rubric that assesses the essay in a number of categories. These categories focus both on the essayā€™s contents and its clarity.

o Read the rubric on the last page of this document. Keep the criteria listed on the rubric in mind as you complete the writing assignment.

o Remember to write in standard formal English and use the third person (no personal opinions) and the present tense.

ā€¢ Complete a plan for your essay.

ā€¢ Begin drafting your paper, using your plan as a guide.

ā€¢ Review and revise your first draft. You should try to have another person read your work and give you feedback as part of your revision process.

ā€¢ Write the final draft of your project. Be sure to follow these requirements and recommendations when completing your draft:

Answer:Charles Dickens's novel "Hard Times" is divided into three books: "Sowi...
Answer:The people of Coketown are drawn to works of imagination rather than to...
Answer:Exchange Theory and Divorce:Exchange theory posits that individuals eng...
Answer:Dear Future Generation,As we stand on the threshold of a new era, marke...
Answer:Creating a syntactic tree for the phrase "My dog was watching me with t...
Answer:Certainly, here's a blended natural juice recipe with weight loss in mi...
Answer:Certainly, here are explanations for each of the terms:Age of Majority ...
Answer:Certainly, here are answers to each of your questions:Canadian Census D...
Answer:It seems you have listed various topics related to psychology, sociolog...
Answer:It seems you're looking for information related to mate selection, marr...
Answer:While I cannot access external websites or specific articles, I can pro...
Answer:Republic vs. Democracy:The United States is often referred to as a demo...
Answer:"Internment" by Samira Ahmed is a young adult novel that explores sever...
Answer:The term "Bibby survey" does not refer to a specific survey or study th...
Answer:I can certainly provide you with a written essay that addresses the cha...
Answer:It appears you have provided three statements or questions for discussi...
Answer:It seems like you're sharing information about the Cuban Missile Crisis...
Answer:While Thomas Jefferson and Karl Marx had distinct ideologies and princi...
Answer:Certainly! Here's a brief review of each of the literary devices you me...
Answer:Certainly! These questions are common analytical inquiries used to delv...
Answer:The given text reflects on the importance of remembering and learning f...
Answer:The given text is a statement expressing a sense of urgency and respons...
Answer:Social media plays a significant role in today's society in addressing ...

Which system provides better health care?

Socialism was started as a system to protect the laborer from the economic mechanisms of capitalism. Although it does not allow for citizens to reach the economic heights that they can here in the United States, it also is set up to guarantee that the citizens have certain services available to them at all times.


As you have learned in this section, there are several differences between socialist and capitalist economies. Among the most significant of these differences is the high level of consumerism that exists in capitalist countries. Americans, for example, spend 3 to 4 percent more of their time shopping than Europeans. This consumerism in the United States dates back several decades, when it reached new heights in the mid-twentieth century. The trend even received something of an official sanction in 1953 when Arthur Burns, the Chairman of the Economic Advisors Council under President Eisenhower, said that the American economyā€™s ultimate purpose is to produce more consumer goods.

Consumerism received a further boost from advertisements on television, a new medium that exploded in popularity in the 1950s. In the decades that followed, television commercials, radio spots, magazines, newspapers, and, in recent years, the Internet bombarded consumers with advertisements for an endless array of products. The average American views 3,000 ads in a single day. These advertisements have proven highly effective at creating a desire among the public to buy goods and services in ever increasing amounts. Economists have estimated that consumer spending accounts for 70% of the U.S. economy.

Go online and research social democracy, including some specific examples of how it works in various countries, and then consider the following discussion questions:

1 What examples, such as health care, social security or employment, can you give that may work better in a socialist nation than a capitalist one? What about in a capitalist nation over a socialist one?

2 Which system do you feel protects the freedoms of the individual better? Given an example.

3 As you prepare for life outside of high school, whether it be a job or college, which economic system would you prefer to be a part of right now? Support your answer.

Answer:The question of whether socialism or capitalism provides better healthc...
Answer:While I cannot provide real-time information, I can offer some insights...
Answer:I'll provide you with a sample thesis statement, a formal outline, and ...

Part 1: Choose a Romantic Poem.

Romantic literature champions the beauty of the world and the inherent goodness of human beings, and Romantic verse is highly structured and deeply traditional. Modernism frequently defines itself as a reaction against and a rejection of romanticism. Modernist poets viewed Romantic poetry as a remnant of the nineteenth century. Modernists did not think that writing as the Romantics did in the 1800s could effectively capture their twentieth-century world or their experiences in that world.

Begin this assignment by choosing a Romantic poem from the nineteenth century that you intend to rewrite in a way that incorporates typically modernist qualities. You can find numerous examples of nineteenth-century Romantic poetry on pages 83ā€“112 of your Journeysanthology. For example, William Wordsworthā€™s ā€œI Wandered Lonely as a Cloud,ā€ which appears on pages 90ā€“91 of your anthology, is a well-known Romantic poem. Note: You may not use this poem in your answer.

Part 2: Briefly Explain the Romantic Poem You Chose

In a single paragraph, describe the Romantic poem that you selected. Focus on the language, style, literary elements, and themes of the work. This step of the process is important because these are the aspects of the work that your modernist rewrite of it will change. Here, as an example, is a brief explanation of Wordsworthā€™s ā€œI Wandered Lonely as a Cloudā€:

Most of Wordsworthā€™s poem describes how a ā€œcrowdā€ of daffodils near a lake looked as they fluttered in the breeze. This poem uses formal language, has a fixed rhyme scheme, and employs an even meter. The speaker is very closely linked to the poet, and neither the voice nor the perspective in the piece ever shifts. The work contains a number of similesā€”one compares the speaker to a lonely cloud, another compares the daffodils to starsā€”and the flowers are personified to make the descriptions of them more vivid. Thematically speaking, the poem is about how, even long after having seen the flowers, the speaker feels comforted and happy whenever he thinks of their beauty.

Part 3: Do a Modernist Rewrite of the Romantic Poem You Chose

Begin your rewrite. To do so, imagine yourself as a poet in the early twentieth century, and imagine your rewrite as an attempt to update the outdated elements of the nineteenth-century work you selected. Remember that modernist poems

ļ‚•ļ‚ Capture the cynicism and disappointment many people felt toward outdated nineteenth-century ideas

ļ‚•ļ‚ Focus on the complexities of modern life

ļ‚•ļ‚ Highlight the alienation of the individual in the modern world

ļ‚•ļ‚ Break with past literary traditions and styles

ļ‚•ļ‚ Employ references to diverse cultures, belief systems, and histories

ļ‚•ļ‚ Use experimental language and techniques, such as drawing a distinct line between the poet and the speaker and writing from multiple perspectives and in different voices

Your rewrite must incorporate at least three of the six listed characteristics of modernism. Here is an example of a modernist rewrite of the first stanza of Wordsworthā€™s ā€œI Wandered Lonely as a Cloudā€:

Wordsworthā€™s First Stanza

I wandered lonely as a cloud

That floats on high oā€™er vales and hills,

When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host, of golden daffodils;

Beside the lake, beneath the trees,

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

First Stanza of a Modernist Rewrite of Wordsworth

I stood coldly alone, like a World War I flying ace

Who cruises over the shells of bombed-out towns.

As the black fog cleared, I saw a building,

Ten thousand crumblecracking bricks;

Beside a forsaken hospital, over a glass-strewn street,

Sagging depressed during Tefnutā€™s shower.

Part 4: Briefly Explain Your Modernist Rewrite

In a response of at least two paragraphs, provide an explanation of the steps you took to rewrite the Romantic poem you selected. Your explanation should point out at least three typically modernist qualities in your work with regard to elements such as language, style, literary elements, and themes. Here, as an example, is a brief explanation of the modernist rewrite of the first stanza of Wordsworthā€™s ā€œI Wandered Lonely as a Cloudā€:

In the first stanza of my rewrite, I tried to drastically change the mood of the poem. I did so by first changing the opening simile, linking the speaker (who is most certainly distinct from myself as the poet) to a World War I flying ace looking down on an empty town devastated by war. This image not only calls to mind the destruction that people in the early twentieth century witnessed, but also the loneliness felt by the individual when witnessing such devastation. I introduced ambiguity by not identifying the nationality of the pilot to whom the speaker compares himself: He may be a man seeing the destruction of his own town, or he may be one of the men who brought destruction on the town during battle.

Then I decided to change the daffodilsā€”a symbol of the beauty of the natural world in Wordsworthā€™s poemā€”to a crumbling building on an abandoned and ugly street. I thought these images helped convey a sense of loss. I used the word crumblecrackingā€”an invented termā€”to call to mind how the broken bricks of the building look. This type of experimentation with language is typical of modernist poetry. Finally, I used the word forsaken not only because it suggests abandonment, but also because it calls to mind the last words of Jesus on the cross. This allusion then quickly blends into the reference to a mythological figure, Tefnut, the Egyptian goddess of rain and fertility. This allusion hints at the possibility of remaking a new world out of the fragments of the old, yet the ā€œsaggingā€ hospital attests to how hard such a restoration would be. Thematically, I was trying to depict the loneliness and the alienation of the speaker in this decrepit world.

Now begin your assignment.

Answer:I understand your request, and I'll provide you with a modernist rewrit...
Answer:Summer sleep-away camps for children have been a longstanding tradition...

Choose a Romantic poem from the nineteenth century that you intend to rewrite in a way that incorporates typically modernist qualities. You can find numerous examples of nineteenth-century Romantic poetry on pages 83ā€“112 of your Journeys anthology. Copy the text of the poem here.


Type your answer here.

(Score for Question 2: ___ of 20 points)

2. In a single paragraph, describe the Romantic poem that you selected. Focus on the language, style, literary elements, and themes of the work.


Type your answer here.

(Score for Question 3: ___ of 30 points)

3. Rewrite the Romantic poem you selected. Focus particularly on making your rewrite read like a modernist poem in terms of its language, style, literary elements, and themes. Be sure to incorporate into your rewrite at least three of the six qualities of modernist poetry listed below.

Remember that modernist poems

ā€¢ Capture the cynicism and disappointment many people felt toward outdated nineteenth-century ideas

ā€¢ Focus on the complexities of modern life

ā€¢ Highlight the alienation of the individual in the modern world

ā€¢ Break with past literary traditions and styles

ā€¢ Employ references to diverse cultures, belief systems, and histories

ā€¢ Use experimental language and techniques, such as drawing a distinct line between the poet and the speaker and writing from multiple perspectives and in different voices


Type your answer here.

(Score for Question 4: ___ of 40 points)

4. In a response of at least two paragraphs, provide an explanation of the steps you took to rewrite the Romantic poem you selected. Your explanation should point out at least three typically modernist qualities in your work with regards to things such as language, style, literary elements, and themes.


Type your answer here.

Answer:I'm sorry, but I can't provide verbatim excerpts from copyrighted texts...
Answer:Title: Making an Impact as a Muslim Woman: My Vision for ChangeIntroduc...
Answer:True.A sonnet is a poetic form that traditionally consists of 14 lines,...
Answer:The sentence that shows the correct use of a common homophone is:"Julio...
Answer:In George Orwell's dystopian novel "1984," the character of Winston Smi...

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