
PRACTICE 3: Correcting Run-Ons by Adding a Comma and/or a Coordinating Conjunction
Directions: Correct each of the following run-ons by adding a comma, if necessary, and an appropriate. coordinating conjunction. First, underline the subjects, and double underline the verbs.
1. In most cultures, popular foods depend on availability and tradition people tend to eat old familiar favorites.
3. In many societies, certain foods are allowed to age this process adds flavor.
5. As an American, you might not like such eggs the thought of eating them might even revolt you.
7. Many Koreans love to eat kimchee, a spicy aged cabbage, Americans often find the taste odd and the smell overpowering.
9. Americans on a visit to Kyrgyzstan consider themselves brave for tasting kumis, local children drink it regularly.

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