
  1. A gold rich country in Africa discovered a large gold deposit and the Government want to manage this resource over a two period (current period and future period) as follows: extract less in period one (current period) and extract more in period two (future period), where the cost of extraction is rising over time. As the chief economist for the country, propose two economy policy options to achieve this extraction path desired by the Government. In proposing the policies, also provide the factors that could hinder the success of the policies (not more than 4 pages). (9 marks)
  2. The government of a country has passed a tax law on the extraction of coal, but this law will first take effect 5 years in the future.
    1. Given that the coal mining is characterized by a constant marginal extraction cost (MEC) how would, if at all, this pending law affect the extraction profile over time in terms of both the timing of the extraction and the cumulative amount extracted. Why? (3 marks)
    2. If the coal mining is characterized by an increasing MEC, how would your answer in (a) change, if at all. Why?

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