
Instructions: Identify a section of the myth, "The Legend of Oedipus," (make sure to have a proper citation!) that represents the idea of a tragic hero then answer the following question in 1 paragraph (5 sentence minimum): Explain how the identified piece of textual evidence represents the idea of a tragic hero as covered in the M3L3 CourseArc (completed in class, 103). Be sure to identify the harmartia as well as an example of hubris. Then, using your notes, identify the overarching purpose of this myth (i.e. what was its function?).
  •  After your initial post, respond to two (2) of your classmates' posts (minimum of 3 sentences) by:
- Being thoughtful and respectful in your feedback.
- Asking clarifying questions that further the discussion.
- Providing an alternative perspective or further the topic with another viewpoint or research on the subject.

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