
9. Liquid water and air flow into a humidification chamber where water evaporates completely. The air stream enters the chamber with a composition of 1.00 mol% H2O and 20.8% O2, the balance consists of N2. The humidified air exits as humidifier with a composition of 10.0 mol% H2O. Calculate the volumetric flow rate (cm3/min) of water required to humidify 200 mol/min of the entering air.


10. Whole milk contains around 4.5% fat. Skimmed milk is prepared by the removal of some of the fat from whole milk. The skimmed milk is found to contain 0.1% fat. It is desired to prepare 100 kg of skimmed milk from original whole milk. Assuming that fat only was removed to make the skimmed milk, calculate the mass of the removed fat.


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