1016MSC Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Temporal Muscle, Splenius Capitis Muscle, Splenius Muscles

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Review Questions and Concept Checks!
muscular system and terminology !
muscles of head/neck/thorax!
Topic 2.1 and 2.2!
Q1." Draw a flow diagram outlining the structural organisation of a muscle organ.!
#Epimysium, muscle, perimysium, fascicle, endomysium, muscle fibre!
Q2. "Name a bipennate and fusiform muscle. Try to describe how their structure aects
their function.!
#Bipennate: rectus femoris !
#Fusiform: biceps brachii !
Q3." Within opposing pairs, one muscle called the _agonist___ contracts to cause an
action while the other muscle called the __antagonist__ yields or stretches to the action of
the __prime mover__. (text p. 321)!
Q4." These muscles contract and stabilize intermediate joints to aid the action of the
prime mover or agonist, they are called _synergists__. (text p. 321)!
Q5. These muscles immobilise a bone or muscle origin, they are commonly involved in
maintaining upright posture. _fixator_ (text p. 321)!
Topic 2.1 concept check
_endomysium__ is the connective tissue layer which surrounds the bundles of muscle
fibres; each muscle fibre is surrounded by __perimysium_; and the whole muscle is
surrounded by __epimysium__.!
There are 3 types of muscle tissue : What are they and where do you generally find them?!
#Skeletal: striated, voluntary!
#Cardiac: striated, involuntary!
#Smooth: not striated, involuntary !
Agonists and antagonists perform opposing actions and are usually in opposite
compartments. Synergists perform the same movement as the prime mover and stabilize
the movement.!
Review the actions of muscles at joints: flexion/extension/hyperextension/abduction/
adduction/plantarflexion/ dorsiflexion/pronation /supination.!
Topic 2.2
Muscles of the head, neck, thorax and abdomen
Q1. Which muscle closes the eye?!
#Obicularis oculi!
Q2. Of the muscles that you have covered, which muscles are involved in smiling?!
#Zygomaticus major, risorius!
Q3. Of the muscles that we covered, name 2 important muscles for mastication:
_buccinator___ and __masseter___.!
Q4. Which muscle is the agonist and which is the antagonist for flexion of the head at the
atlanto-occipital joint?!
#sternocleidomastoid !
Q5. Name 2 circular facial muscles.!
#Obicularis oculi!
#Obicularis oris!
Q6. Name the muscle that elevates the mandible at rest."!
Q7. Name the principle muscle of the cheek that is deep to masseter.!
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Document Summary

Review questions and concept checks muscular system and terminology muscles of head/neck/thorax. Draw a ow diagram outlining the structural organisation of a muscle organ. Try to describe how their structure a ects their function. Within opposing pairs, one muscle called the _agonist___ contracts to cause an action while the other muscle called the __antagonist__ yields or stretches to the action of the __prime mover__. (text p. 321) These muscles contract and stabilize intermediate joints to aid the action of the prime mover or agonist, they are called _synergists__. (text p. 321) These muscles immobilise a bone or muscle origin, they are commonly involved in maintaining upright posture. _endomysium__ is the connective tissue layer which surrounds the bundles of muscle. Bres; each muscle bre is surrounded by __perimysium_; and the whole muscle is surrounded by __epimysium__. Agonists and antagonists perform opposing actions and are usually in opposite compartments. Synergists perform the same movement as the prime mover and stabilize the movement.