PYB102 Study Guide - Final Guide: Chemical Substance, Myelin, Neurotransmitter

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Neurons these are the basic units of the human nervous system. They have three main functions: taking in information from other neurons (reception), integrating these signals (conduction) and passing these signals on to other neurons (transmission). Glial cells these nourish, protect and physically support the neurons and are critical to brain development. There are many different types; however one particular type is responsible for covering neurons with myelin a substance which is essential for the brain to function. Dendrites the dendrites branch out from the soma and receive the messages from other neurons. Once they retrieve this information, they relay it to the soma. Cell body (soma) the soma or cell body is the main part of a neuron. One of its functions is the maintenance and responsibility for metabolical functions of the neuron. Axon the axon then carries these messages away from the soma and towards the terminal buttons.