PHSI2005 Final: reflex

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Phsi2005/2905 notes relaxation of the other, i. e. , there is reciprocal inhibition: describe the components of the withdrawal reflex and know the function of this reflex. Lower motor neurons project their axons to extrafusal muscle fibres. These are fibres that produce the force developed by a muscle. In the crossed extensor reflex, we are concerned with a nervous pathway which maintains a stabilised, e. g. on the side opposite to the leg receiving the pain, while withdrawing the leg from the painful stimulus. In this way, the contralateral leg is stabilised, while the ipsilateral leg is withdrawn from the painful stimulus. Needs to inhibit flexor muscle involved in moving. Needs to excite extensor muscle to stabilise leg. Their muscle spindles are thereby activated so the impulse through their dorsal root ganglion to excite the extensor motor neuron and therefore contraction of extensor muscles.