21037 Study Guide - Final Guide: Motherhood Penalty, Parental Leave

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7 Aug 2018

Document Summary

Females are just over 50% of the working age population but have a much lesser position when it comes to superannuation and in terms of retirement. In wa: women has to work approx. 100 days extra to earn same $ as a man. Women 17. 1% worse off than men when it comes to pay (2013) Since 1994 gap has increased by 1% Important so there is balanced viewpoint (adding value to the board) Glass celling: women find it difficult to get into positions of power. 48/200 of top boards still don"t have any women in boards. Casual workers generally don"t enjoy same entitlements as full time workers. Women tend to work in low pay jobs and in casual work (insecure work) Community/caring services + admin work are the highest (full time) Women are in part-time more than men. In terms of managerial roles, big difference between men and women.