ANHB2214 Study Guide - Final Guide: Lingual Papilla, Simple Squamous Epithelium, Lamina Propria

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The Oral Cavity:
Borders lips in front, cheeks to side, hard/soft palate above, tongue
below, pharynx behind
Lined with oral mucosa unkeratinized simple squamous epithelium
with a lamina propria but no muscularis layer
Skeletal muscle underlies a submucosa over most of the mouth, except for
hard palate
Epithelium becomes keratinized in several locations prone to abrasion
Salivary glands
o Many small salivary glands lie in submucosa e.g. cheeks and lips
o Can be serous, mucous or mixed
o Serous secrete waters, protein-rich fluid
o Mucous similar to goblet cells
o Serous secretory units acinar products secreted by
myoepithelial cells
o Mucous secretory units irregular in shape, branching tubular
o Mixed units mucous cells near duct, cap of serous cells at distal
o 3 pairs of major salivary glands paratod, submandibular,
sublingual external to oral cavity
o Enlarge to form striated/secretory ducts lined with cuboidal to
columnar cells, filled with mitochondria
o Striated ducts most prominent in submandibular gland
o Least prominent in sublingual gland
o Striated appearance due to mitochondria lining up
The tongue:
o Muscular organ with skeletal muscle
o Anterior 2/3 mobile tongue/body
o Posterior 1/3 base/root of tongue
o 2 sections separated by large circumvallate papillae
o Anterior dorsal part covered in papillae contain most taste buds
o Papillae mucosal structures with bulging core of lamina propria
covered with keratinized epithelium
o Ventral anterior surface covered in typical oral mucosa
o Posterior tongue unkeritanized with no papillae
o Has extensive lingual tonsils arranged around crypts
Types of papillae
o Filiform
Most abundant
Flame shaped
Highly keratinized
Make surface of tongue rough to help keep it from slipping
across hard palate
o Fungiform
Somewhat larger
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