CHYS 2P51 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Orlando Fals Borda, Pearson Education, Institutional Review Board

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Document Summary

Quantitative: use #s to describe, stats, large groups. Qualitative studies: how ppl make sense of xps, qualities of xps, investigate underling meanings, patterns relations. Why do ppl knowingly/unknowingly spread hiv to their babies via breast milk. Formula costs money, can"t afford it, no fresh water 2 make formula. Give baby the milk because they will die if you give it bad water. Why have a baby if u can"t feed it wasn"t my choice to have a baby. We can understand how to solve problem once we know what problem is. Directional words = quantitative: affect influence, impact, determine, cause. Meanings: depends on context and who the recipient is. Thumbs up example has lots of meaning across culture. The type of research that researcher does is based on their beliefs. Theory: higher paid teachers are more satisfied than their lower paid counterparts experiment: measure teacher satisfaction. Qualitatitve researchers embrace different realities, including: intention 2report multiple realities.