KINE 3P05 Study Guide - Final Guide: Germ Layer, Cambrian Explosion, Gastrovascular Cavity

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Active transport the transport of a solute across a membrane against its gradient that is, from a region of low concentration to higher concentration. In the case of ions, active transport is against an electrochemical gradient. Alimentary canal the single elongated tube of a digestive system with an opening at either end, through which food and eventually wastes pass from one end to the other. Angiosperm flowering plants; the term means enclosed seed, which reflects the presence of seeds within fruits. Synapomorphic - an apomorphy (derived or specialised character) shared by two or more groups which originated in their last common ancestor. Autapomorphic an apomorphy (derived or specialised character) that is on a branch leading to a single terminal taxon. Archaea one of the three domains of life; the other two are bacteria and eukarya. When not capitalized, it refers to a cell or species within the domain archaea. Aboral surface region opposite of the mouth.