BUSI 2208 Study Guide - Final Guide: Coca-Cola Cherry, Brand Equity, Marketing Mix

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Product: anything received by a person in an exchange for a possession, consumption, attention or short term use: the starting point of the marketing mix. Business product: a product used to manufacture other goods or services to facilitate an organizations operation or to resell to other consumers. Consumer product: a product bought to satisfy a want. Convenience product: a relatively inexpensive item that merits little shopping effort. Specialty product: unique characteristics, consumers search extensively, reluctant to accept substitutes: watches, cars, electronics, selective advertising maintains exclusive image. Unsought product: a product unknown to the potential buyer or a product that a buyer does not actively seek: new products until increased awareness, needed but not thought about insurance, burial plots, aggressively personal selling. Product item: a specific version of a product that can be designated as a distinct offering among the organizations other products: campbells creamy chicken soup. Product line: a group of closely related product items: campbells soups.