ECOR 1010 Study Guide - Final Guide: Rachel Carson, Common-Pool Resource, Clean Technology

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Practice tse questions for final exam (note: this is my study guide for the exam. Prof mcrea said the best way to prepare for the test was to come up with your own tests then you would see what could be tested. The tse lectures might be slightly different for every year so this is really only a reference. But the first four tse lectures are pretty important. : which of the following statement about fossil fuel is correct: It has played the greatest role in the recent explosive growth of the human population over past 150 years. It changed the structure of economies, the nature of technologies, the balance of geopolitics, and the quality of human life. C). oil is expected to be gone before 2030 and gas around 2050, because the inexpensive easily accessible stocks are being depleted. A). the wealth per capita would decrease due to the depletion of fossil fuel.