ENST 2500 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Planetary System, Industrial Revolution, Mantra

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The readings this week, from ellwood, angus and pierre-louis all focus on what growth (whether good or bad) can do to our finite planet. The reading by ellwood, in the no-nonsense guide to degrowth and. Ellwood goes on to talk about how that economic growth is essentially exponential growth and what that means in the real world. Economic growth is influential forces shaping our world today and that i think is an incredible statement, given the extremely short history of economic growth as a major phenomenon in human life. As ellwood points out, for most in human history, the idea of economic growth did not really exist. Societies developed slowly, economies were founded on steady subsistence often and growth was very minimal for the vast majority of human history. These links between economic growth and human progress slowly advanced in the mind, but not concretely, because it still remained much on the philosophical, abstract realm.