SOCI 2450 Study Guide - Final Guide: Five Ws, The Offence, Procedural Law

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Uniformity: laws are applied to people equally and fairly; this is critical. Politicality: the criminal code of canada; rules of the church. Specificity: the criminal law is very specific. Penal sanctions: violators will be punished by the state in which they were convicted: sources of the criminal law(where does it come from?) Substantive criminal law: nature of the offence and the penalty. How the state will deal with the sledged violation. Jerome hall***: (7 essential elements that must be present to call something a crime-differential) !2: he says before behaviour can be called crime, there must be certain external consequences or harm because crime has an impact on social interest, the harm must be in the criminal code of canada. You must have both the intent and the act: must be a direct relationship between the harm and the behaviour, there must be punishment prescribed by the state.